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Ignacio Inestal

Ignacio Inestal-Fernandez

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Ignacio Inestal



Hi all!

This year I am running the New York City Marathon as part of the Keep A Child Alive (KCA) Team and I am kindly asking for your support to raise funds for this very worthy charity. 

KCA's mission is to improve the health and well-being of vulnerable children, young people, adults and families around the world, with a focus on combating the physical, social and economic impacts of HIV/AIDS.

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to KCA. 

Thank you in advance for joining me in support of this great cause! Those who contribute to the cause will be running the Marathon with me (figuratively!). 


¡Hola a todos!

Este año corro el maratón de la ciudad de Nueva York como parte del equipo Keep A Child Alive (KCA) y les pido amablemente su apoyo para recaudar fondos para esta valiosa organización benéfica.

La misión de KCA es mejorar la salud y el bienestar de niños, jóvenes, adultos y familias vulnerables en todo el mundo, centrándose en combatir los impactos físicos, sociales y económicos del VIH/SIDA.

Las donaciones realizadas a través de esta plataforma son seguras y se enviarán directamente a KCA.

¡Gracias de antemano por acompañarme en apoyo de esta gran causa! Aquellos que contribuyan a la causa correrán el maratón conmigo (¡en sentido figurado!).

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Keep A Child Alive

OUR MISSION: Changing the world, one child at a time. Co-founded in 2003 by Alicia Keys, KCA fights for children. We want every child to have the opportunity to be all they can, no matter where they start in life. We stand with them, as they overcome and thrive.

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